
Must Have Makeup Brushes

The first brushes I ever owned were from the brand Marionnaud. This brand is available on most drugstores here in the Philippines,

Light Makeup for Summer Classes

I had to have summer classes during college so that I can finish my course in four years. I remember how hot it was when we held classes in unconditioned rooms.

How to Remove Facial Hair (female mustache)

It's perfectly fine to have hair on the skin on top of ther upper lip. Well, actually, we all do. I think it's really sexy on men

Morning Skincare Routine

Skin care is one of the many things I confess that I am obsessed with. Way back in college, when there was something new in the market claiming wonders, I'd be out storming to the mall

Foundation Routine

I often switch my foundation routine depending on the weather trying my best not to layer up products and then end up with a cake face

Eyebrow Panic

Love yourself. Love everything about you. Don't be ashamed to show your unmade up self in public. That might be true but not for my brows.

Postpartum Nails

As tikla as I want to be, growing my fingernails is just not ideal. Especially because I have an infant at the moment and I do all the chores at home. From bathing my baby, feeding him, washing his feeding bottles, washing his baby bum after he poops; name it, I do it. Well, let's go back a little, yes, I wash my baby's bum when he poops,
I wash it under running water, I do not use wet wipes because my pediatrician says washing it with water and soap can lessen the chances of him having rashes, and I'm very proud to say, that my baby does not have any redness at all.

About this Blog


- is not even a word. I just derived it from the Visayan word tikla which means kikay in Tagalog or girly in English.

I am not very good at blogging either. I don't have great skills in writing, I don't read as much as other people do. I don't know the technicalities in writing... I don't even have enough vocabulary!!!

So why even blog?

Out of boredom  and fighting depression tendencies?

I'm a mom who does not have a job. 

So Why not find a job? As much as I want to, I can't, because my baby has special needs (let's not dig into that yet) and only I, know how to feed him, not even my pediatrician.

Alright so why tiklaness?

My close friend calls me tikla. I know, not a very nice name, but it's fine with me anyway.

After I gave birth I gone through depression because of a whole lot of things, one of which, is because of my baby. I cried almost every night because of great anxiety. Until I decided to pull myself together. 

I started to watch beauty videos on Youtube everytime I'm about to cry. At first, it was just a diversion for me, until I grew fond of watching them every night. 

I wanted to fight off depression. I wanted to have something that I enjoy so I wouldn't think of the negative things anymore. I wanted to make myself better. I wanted to be like the beauty gurus who have so much confidence that they put videos of themselves on the internet where everybody can see them.

But I don't think I look good on videos like those gurus.

And so, I decided to be the tikla-est tikla mommy blogger... EVER!!!

This will be like a diary and some of you may find this boring, but whatever! This is my blog. 

Hahahahahaha (evil laugh).