
About Me

I have been wanting to create a blog for so long that I couldn't remember the very first time I thought of it. What I do remember, are the reasons why I didn't start one.

I recall wondering what would my friends, office mates and even my family say about my blog. So the saying "Battles are lost before they are even started." was very true to me.

After reading a blog post about chasing your dreams, which I do almost every time by the way, uh God knows how many articles about dreams I have read some of which I read not just once, so, anyway, I said to myself: Self, I don't care what people will tell you about you or your blog, you have just have to F-in' do this!

So, the next day, I immediately purchased a domain name from a registrar and BAM!!! I did not know what to write. Lol! Believe me, this domain was empty for days, maybe weeks, I can not remember. This is not my first blog either, I have lots of other blogs that are out there on the internet with nonsense posts. Yes, nonsense. I even thought of asking for a refund and taking down this site days after I purchased it thinking that I have totally gone crazy for one day and got my sanity back the next.

So, I asked myself what can I do for the things I want? I answered myself: anything! So here I am still posting up to this very day with a little something about me which I think should've gone first before my other posts.

Here goes...

I'm a mom with my 4-month little one who has special needs thus, staying home and not having a job is a must for me. I stay at home 95% of the time, the 4% is for trips to the pedia, paying bills (which typically costs me about 2 hours tops), staying over my boyfriend's house (still staying at home with my baby but with a different address) and eating out (still with the baby), and the 1 % is me going out with my friends which rarely happens.

Staying at home is not very easy as it sounds I have been working since I graduated from college and three months without a job makes me crazy already. I had to adjust big time staying at home. I just feel like I need to do something productive everyday I just can't sit down and do nothing (oh, just when my baby sleeps).

I love makeup and I consider it as a life saver. Right after giving birth, I experienced depression. It was not easy to handle I tell you, but with the help of my family, friends, constant prayers and diversional activities (where makeup comes in), I was able to pull myself together. I would watch makeup videos whenever I felt like crying and I could really say that it helped me a lot.

I love to talk a lot too, but sometimes, when I do it with other people, I feel like they get tired listening to me babbling. Lol! It's just that, I may have a lot of ideas about things that some people may find nonsense and boring. So, I decided to write them instead or post them on a website, lol!

Now, if you are anything like me, let's keep in touch! You can reach me on any of my contact details on the 'Contact Me' tab.

I hope you enjoy my blog. P.S. I'm open for suggestions. :)
