
Eyebrow Panic

Love yourself. Love everything about you. Don't be ashamed to show your unmade up self in public. That might be true but not for my brows.
I love myself and I'm proud of me but... my eyebrows... ?
Sorry, a girl must admit that she has her own insecurities. Brows, if they were just fine, I can really go out there without makeup. I can do without powder, blush or eye shadow, but eye freakin, brows? NEVERRRR!!!!! Okay, so I overreacted. (uh)

Now, without further talk, allow me to show my brows.....



Caption: Where is the other half of that brow?

Bwahahahahahhaha! Sorry for scaring you. Unfortunately,I cannot alter my genes so I just have to make them a little.... a little bit presentable. Although sometimes, I overdo it, Lol! Searching for the perfect brow product has been the ultimate battle for me. I think I have tried every single product out there. From high end to low end. But of course, the cheaper the better, because I won't lie, I am a mom and I prefer budget friendly products.

So here are my current brow product faves as of the moment. :

1. Nichido Eyebrow Pencil in Walnut

Despite the wide variety of brow products out in the market, I still prefer a brow pencil. Not only because it's more convenient to take with me every where I go, (Uh, yes, I take a brow pencil with me everywhere I go because it serves as a security blanket, I mean I don't wanna go around anywhere with only half a brow. I just can not live with that.) it lasts longer than powder, is cheaper and brow pomades are just pricey.

I love the shade walnut because my hair is currently on the yellowish tone and when I swatched  the shades on the Nichido counter at Watson's, which took forever by the way with the attendant getting bored probably wondering if I will really purchase at least even one product, walnut was the closest shade to my hair color.

Speaking about shades, whenever I browse my previous pictures, I am so, so horrified when I see my previous red tone brow with a yellow tone hair. I just can't... I just can't even! (Insert exhausted face here)

Okay, well, anyway here is a picture of me wearing the Nichido Eyebrow Pencil in Walnut.

Better right? So much better!

2. Brow Tools

Brow tools are probably the most used tools/brushes in my collection. 

Here they are:

top: Sigma E65
take a closer look of this brush ---> click me
bottom: MAC 204
take a closer look of this brush ---> click me
This post is not sponsored. Hyperlinks are for reference only.

If I will just run errands or have to leave the house quickly, I just stop at this. But when I have to attend a party or go out with the girls or when I just wanna be fancier <---- what the? Hahahaha

I add a tinted brow gel.

3. Fashion 21 Tinted Eye Brow Gel in the shade Light Brown

This is the very first brow gel that I've tried on. I was contented with just having my brow pencil on for quite a long time until my friend and I went out. We had to drop by Watson's because she wanted to pickup a brow gel from Etude which costs a lot more than the Fashion 21 one.  She was already falling in line to pay for the Etude one when I walked towards the Fashion 21 counter and saw the brow gel which had a large price tag that read: 165.00. I quickly called her motioning her to the fashion 21 counter. I told her that it was a lot cheaper but she said she already finished paying. 

So I tried the product just for the sake of trying it and I was like, WOW!!! It went on really nice. My friend said it did just what the Etude one does. So I quickly got one and am currently enjoying it up until now.

This is how it looks like:

And this is how it looks like on my brows.

So much better right??!!!

What brow products are you currently using? Do you know of any cheaper ones that work well?

Let me know on the comments below.


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