
When to Throw Makeup Away

You have that makeup since you were...???!!!

Way, way back in time, whenever I have to attend events or parties, I have always preferred to do my own makeup instead of getting it professional done. Mind you, my skills were very, very primitive at that time but I still chose to do it because I have this thinking that I would choose to spend my money on getting my own makeup products so I can still use them after the party. The result, a lot of unused makeup products used only once sitting inside my drawer and a party makeup look that looks MEHHHHH. Lol!

If I could just turn back time!

Oh well, regrets, regrets.

Anyway, if you are anything like the previous me who has tons of unused makeup kept in drawers for a very long time, then please throw them away and buy yourself new ones or if you don't really apply makeup that much, you may want to hire some makeup artist for events.

Aside from becoming less of its potential, makeup that is kept longer than it's average life span may contaminate your skin which may cause breakouts and other skin problems.

I hope that you girls will take this seriously.

Here are some of the products in my collection with their average lifespan.


Most foundations are packaged in 30 mL containers. Seems right about enough for a couple of years right? But the truth is, it's more than a lot unless you apply liquid foundation everyday.

Face Powders

These ones are easier to consume say around 2-3 months because most people I know prefer light makeup especially for everyday.


If you really don't have so much to conceal, I would suggest that you only go with a foundation that has good coverage. Saves money and the trouble to consume a concealer tube.


I'm a person who would wear blush everyday so two years is a long time for me.


Lipstick life span is shorter than most products because it comes contact with the mouth which comes in contact with food, beverages and you know, other lips lol! So if you want to buy a lip color, you may want to choose one that you can use everyday.


Eye infection is something very serious so please don't share your mascara with anyone unless.... no, don't share it.

For someone like me who does makeup on other people, I prefer to use fake lashes, and in the event when I really have to use a mascara I bring disposable wands just to make sure my clients don't get eye infections.

Eye Shadow

Unlike mascara which coats the lashes, eye shadows only sit on the eyelid so you can keep them a lot longer.


Just like lipsticks, lip pencils come in contact with our mouths so they should be ditched after a year.

Eye pencils are like mascaras which come in close contact with our eyes but different from mascaras, you can sharpen the old part/ product away so you can keep them a little bit longer.

Disclaimer: These are not rules that you have to follow. These are average lifespans of makeup products. If you're happy with how long you are keeping your makeup, then that is totally fine. :)

I hope you enjoyed.

Thank you so much for reading.

Join me on instagram: @theyinyindiaries
Tweet me: @yein2x
