
Makeup Boo Boos (My then and now)

Uhhhh wait.. what????!!!

Let me start this post with a huge disclaimer.:
It's only makeup and there are really no rules on how to apply it. I just realized that there is such a big difference between how I did my makeup before and how I do it now. I am no way correcting or criticizing the way you do your makeup if you can see a similar look on my before pictures. Love ya'll. <3

You know when you got so much extra time that you open your facebook album and browse your pictures from long, long ago and then... How did I do my friggin' brows?!

1. Overdrawn Brows
I was once a fan of Korean dramas that I used to spend my rest days trying to finish a DVD with at least 10 Korean movies. I admired how the heroines looked with their porcelain skin and straight brows. Lol! I used to draw box brows even if they didn't suit my natural brow shape at all.

Nowadays, I only fill in the sparse areas and follow my natural brow shape. I realized that not all people could have the same brows since we have different features and that our own brow shape suits us best.

I start to fill my brows at the center, then give more definition as I reached the brow tip and finally lightly brush the hairs where my brows start applying as little product as possible to make them look more natural.

2. Only Underline
The most difficult part in doing my eye makeup had to be doing my eyeliner. It's just so hard to perfectly do a wing liner even until now, and so I only used to line my lower lash line.

As you can see in the picture above, It drags the eye down making it look tired and droopy.


3. Unblended Eye Shadow
You know how eye shadow quads come with tiny cotton applicators? Back in the day when I didn't own makeup brushes, I only use the applicators which came with the eye shadow palettes that I bought.

If you're a makeup lover like me, a blending brush is a good investment. It blends out the edges making the shadow application more seamless, but if you're on a tight budget, you may also use your fingers which work way, way better than those sponge applicators. 

Our fingers are warm which helps in bending the product easily.

Here, I'm using only one shade of brown eye shadow just to show you how blending creates a gradient effect which gives a beautiful dimension to the lid. 


4. Underdrawn Lips


I am not a good fan of lip liners and I don't apply one every single time I apply lipstick. But looking at some old photos with some of the edges of my lip showing isn't really fun. Lol!

I understand that not all of us have time to put on lipstick like I do but I just really get distracted when someone talks to me with a bright red lip on, and the edges of her lip are showing.


But then again, it's just makeup and if you look good and comfortable with the way you are applying it now, no one is stopping you. These are just my personal opinion. :)

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